Bindings, Borders and More
Presented by Eileen Wardie
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2013
Time: 10:00 am -- 2 pm
Where: Building south side of Hancock Fabric (previously 9 Months Later Store)
Bring: A Chair. There are a few from Hancock Fabric (better to be prepared and have a chair for sure) Refreshments will be available.
Eileen is a member of the Boise Basin Quilters. The BBQ guild has national judges for their quilt show each year. Over the years Eileen has compiled the judges comments that relate to binding and developed a presentation detailing the characteristics that make up a good binding. Eileen relates that out of all the comments she has read 91% offered suggestions for improving the binding. This presentation is not just for those that enter quilt shows. We can all benefit from the tips and examples that she will share.